Category: Blog

  • Outskilling: The Layoff Alternative

    Outskilling: The Layoff Alternative

    We’re all being warned about technology disruption of the future workplace. The robots may indeed be coming for our jobs. From autonomous vehicles to AI data management, almost any role of an organization could be replaceable by technology. And with the current Coronavirus pandemic, layoffs are becoming even more unavoidable. A Different Approach Twentieth-century layoffs included outplacement services such as resume…

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  • Diversity: Revisited

    Diversity: Revisited

    Your workplace needs more diversity. No, we’re not talking about the diversity you’ve been striving towards for the past few decades. If you’re like most corporations, you’ve been working hard to provide a space where people from all ethnicities, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and ages feel welcome. But in the end, you treat them more or…

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  • New Shoes Are Like Dessert

    New Shoes Are Like Dessert

    It started with an idea to buy shoes for The Clothing Closet. But when school social work supervisor Laura Chiarello heard the proposal from CSI Gives Back, she pushed back gently. “New shoes are like dessert,” she said. “You want them, but you probably don’t need them.” What many Duval County students do need are…

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  • The Questions You Should Be Asking During An Interview [Part 4]

    The Questions You Should Be Asking During An Interview [Part 4]

    In a previous post, we explored one of the oldest and most common interview questions: the one about your greatest strengths. For all its overuse, it’s still helpful to hear how a candidate perceives himself and how he prefers to work. Most candidates have prepared for the greatest strengths question and feel pretty confident about…

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  • Birdies for the Brave 2019

    Birdies for the Brave 2019

    What an un-fore-gettable time raising funds for combat-wounded veterans with Birdies for the Brave at TPC Sawgrass! ⛳🎖️💕 A special thanks to our veterans Alex Clifford and Jerry Dedge for playing with Team CSI. To date, Birdies for the Brave has raised more than $17M for organizations including: –Special Operations Warrior Foundation–Homes For Our Troops–Navy SEAL Foundation–Operation Homefront–Military Warriors Support…

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  • Tips for Coming Back Strong After Maternity Leave

    Tips for Coming Back Strong After Maternity Leave

    Coming back after having a baby is a time fraught with anxiety for many women. Women who return to work quickly tend to breastfeed less, experience more physical and emotional challenges, and feel more anxious than women who can take more time off to care for their newborn. Therefore, balancing career and earning needs with…

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  • 6 Steps to Winning Your Long-Distance Job Search

    6 Steps to Winning Your Long-Distance Job Search

    Military spouses, new graduates, and workers transitioning to new industries are among those who might have to consider a long-distance job search. Local candidates have several distinct advantages: they may already have a local reputation in the industry or have connections with a recruiter through networking. They can commit to an interview on short notice.…

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  • Why Running a Household is Like Running a Business

    Why Running a Household is Like Running a Business

    “I actually look forward to coming to work so I can feel more calm and in control,” said one frazzled working mother of four girls. “No matter how crazy things get at work, it’s much easier than the crazy, exhausting road race my weekends have become.” Working parents do it all: they each have a…

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  • The Questions You Should Be Asking During An Interview [Part 3]

    The Questions You Should Be Asking During An Interview [Part 3]

    Paul Falcone is an HR consultant and author of 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire. He’s written the definitive guide to asking great questions and evaluating a candidate’s responses. He provides several questions that are best deployed at the beginning of an interview. He recommends going beyond the classic “Tell me about…

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  • Dear Future Workforce

    Dear Future Workforce

    Read Lessons 1 and 2 here. Lesson Number Three: Stop looking for the “right” answer. There may be no right answer. Sometimes, there may be two or three right answers or good enough answers. There may be a couple of bad answers, but you might have to pick one anyway. Unlike on your Scantron test,…

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