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Joy & Justice: Pride Month 2022
Uplifting parades, joyous festivals, workshops, and memorials are among the principal components of Pride Month, an annual LGBTQ+ celebration in June. Why Pride Month is Important Pride is an entire month dedicated to the uplifting of LGBTQ+ voices. The initiative aims to bring awareness to ongoing issues, commemorate members of the community whom we lost…
I Heard You (Better) the First Time
Here’s a fact that explains so much in the world: information we hear first, about almost any subject, is incredibly hard to shake, even if we find out later it was wrong or needs revision. Charlie Warzel, a writer for The Atlantic, quotes research scientist Mike Caulfield, calling first information “sticky.” Psychologists call this…
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month is an annual celebration that recognizes the contributions and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States. The effort to officially recognize AAPI heritage wasn’t easy, taking over 10 years to make it a permanent month-long celebration,…
Converting PTO to other Benefits
U.S. workers famously don’t take all their paid time off. According to annual studies by the U.S. Travel Association, the American workforce forfeits 246 million earned vacation days annually in what amounts to a $65.5 billion gift to employers every year. Now add in a global pandemic that scrambled everyone’s work schedules for two years…
The Eisenhower Matrix
Executive coach Lara Hogan uses a timeless approach to doing what’s most important to help clients cope when they feel overwhelmed at work. Covey’s Urgent/Important grid from The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People is one of the most valuable ways to think about your day and workload. Here’s how it labels activities to see…
Hope is Not a Strategy: Let Go of your Tiara Syndrome
We’ve seen it many times but didn’t know there was a name for it. You’ve seen it too: the good employee, often (but not always) a woman, who toils away in obscurity. She keeps her head down never says no to an assignment or overtime or more work piled on. She does an excellent job,…
Microlearning: The training Trend to Watch in 2022
Social platform Tik Tok is forecasted to reach 755 million users in 2022. If you’re a corporate trainer, you should be paying attention. Not necessarily to the cute cat and baby videos or the tween dance moves, but to the trend itself. Tik Tok launched Alex Zhu and Luyu Yang in Shanghai, China in 2014.…
CSI Women’s History Month
March is the month we acknowledge the accomplishments of women throughout history. This year, our company’s national theme for Women’s History Month is #breakthebias. It’s a reminder that we still may have biases we’re not even aware of about how men and women think. Over the past few decades, the perception of leadership has changed…
How to Prevent Burnout in Remote Employees
How to Defeat Work-from-Home Burnout and Zoom Fatigue ( Almost two years into the global pandemic, burnout is having a moment. We all thought we’d be back to normal by now, but we’re facing another surge that may keep us consigned to working from home and a severe case of Zoom Fatigue (for which there…
How to Take Constructive Criticism Well
Most of us cringe when we hear someone say, “Can I offer you some constructive criticism?” We’re pretty sure nothing good follows the offer. Criticism has become a word that feels loaded with negative connotations, implying disapproval of faults, although criticism means analysis in art. If you can manage your reaction to criticism, you’ll be…